Dedicated Team

We tailor a Dedicated Team to align with the client's objectives, preferences, and project's specifications, leveraging the strategic advantages of nearshoring.

This model offers flexibility in terms of timing and cost and readily accommodates evolving requirements for extensive, long-term projects.

How it works

When you choose a dedicated team approach with Unlocking Tech, you're not just outsourcing tasks; you're gaining a strategic partner invested in your project's success.

Needs Assessment

We kick off with a thorough assessment of your project needs and goals to identify the required expertise and roles.

Team Customization

Based on the assessment, we tailor a dedicated team with key roles, ensuring seamless integration with your project.

Agile Development Kickoff

Our collaborative expertise comes to life as the dedicated team begins agile development, fostering innovation and idea flow.

Streamlined Project Management

A dedicated project manager provides streamlined oversight, ensuring the project aligns with your vision, budget, and timeline.

Iterative Progress and Support

We work in iterative cycles, providing regular updates, adapting to changes, and offering ongoing support for sustained success.
Needs Assessment
Step 0
Needs Assessment
Team Customization
Step 0
Team Customization
Agile Development Kickoff
Step 0
Agile Development Kickoff
Streamlined Project Management
Step 0
Streamlined Project Management
Iterative Progress and Support
Step 0
Iterative Progress and Support

What can you expect with a Dedicated Team?

Collaborative Expertise
Leverage a highly skilled team working cohesively across diverse IT domains for comprehensive expertise.
Streamlined Oversight
Attain complete command over development processes with a transparent and efficient workflow.
Transparent Management
Benefit from total transparency in project and budget updates, keeping you informed at every stage.
Budget and Timeline Predictability
Enjoy peace of mind with accurate budget forecasts and timelines, enabling better planning and resource allocation.
Project-Centric Focus
Direct the team's energy exclusively towards your project, ensuring undivided attention and commitment.
Rapid Iteration and Validation
Accelerate development cycles with quick hypothesis testing, enabling swift adjustments and improvements based on real-time feedback.

Assemble The Right Team.

Our strict selection process ensures we pick only the most competent and dependable candidates. From individual engineers to complete teams, we offer flexible management solutions tailored to your project.

Our nearshore teams work in your timezone, ensuring seamless English communication. Ready to start when you are, with the ability to adjust to your project's pace.

Software Developers
QA Engineers
UX Designers
Cloud Engineers
Data Scientists
Project Managers
Let's assemble your team

Effortless three steps
to a High-Performing Team.

Let's Discuss Your Team Needs

Dive into the specifics of your ideal team during a relaxed discovery session. We'll explore success criteria, timescales, budget considerations, and the required skill sets.

Tailored Team Onboarding

We'll assemble your ideal team quickly and then guide you through the onboarding process, ensuring a seamless integration.

Start Strong, Track Success

Launch your project with confidence as your dedicated team begins work. Track success, manage performance, and scale your team effortlessly.

Our Team roles

The team dedicated to your project excels in efficiency, embraces cross-disciplinary functions, and is committed to ongoing learning. This blend of roles guarantees a process that is both well-rounded and focused on achieving objectives.

Product Owner

Champions the product vision, aligning stakeholder and development team goals.

Business Analyst

Leverages technical knowledge to find optimal solutions aligned with business goals, collaborating closely with the Product Owner.


Technical experts crafting valuable, user-centric features, planning and delivering within each Sprint to achieve project goals.

Scrum Master

Facilitates team efficiency using Scrum methodologies, coaching and overseeing Scrum events.

Our adaptive and reliable methodologies

With Scrum

, we

Embrace Iterative Development
We break down complex projects into manageable iterations or Sprints, each focused on delivering tangible value to our users.

Maintain Regular Sprints
Our Sprints are meticulously planned to last no more than four weeks, fostering a rhythm of consistent and focused work cycles.

Prioritize User Value
Each iteration is aimed at creating functional and valuable features that enhance user experience.

With Kanban

, we

Visualize Our Workflow

Utilizing a Kanban board, we maintain a clear visual overview of our tasks, moving them from 'To-Do' to 'Done', reflecting real-time progress.

Ensure Continuous Delivery
By focusing on lean development, we deliver work continuously, avoiding team overburden and maintaining a steady flow.

Prioritize Efficiency
Our approach emphasizes completing current tasks before taking on new ones, ensuring a balanced and efficient workflow.

Have a project idea, but need some professional validation?
We can help. Talk to our experts.

Aditional Services

Not only are we adept at developing efficient processes, but we also bring a wealth of multi-domain knowledge to our partnerships, surpassing the mere technicalities of collaboration.

HR Process
Business Expertise

What do you need?

Explore our engagement models to identify the ideal fit for your project.

Flexibly increase or decrease your workforce when required.

Hire the best tech experts who work in your local time.

Hire highly skilled professionals to meet your specific needs.

Integrate developers into your existing teams.

Manage the team yourself.

Have a complete dedicated team collaborating with you.
Minimize in-house team involvement
Reduced managements involvement with our project managers.
Let's discuss how your setup should look.

Talk with us!

Send us a message and we'll get in touch with as soon as we can.
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